What are the strongest pulling factors for visiting Barcelona?

Why does Barcelona manage to attraction over 7,000,000 visitors every year? And why is this number still increasing? It may seem like a mystery, but when you take a look at this infographic about the most recommended attractions by over 1400 visitors from 15 different countries… Well, it’s rather clear why Barcelona stands out above other cities not just in Spain, but in the world.

Does the nationality of a visitor change what they would recommend? Apparently so. While many of the top 5 favourite attractions from country to country are similar, when you reach the Nordic regions, there’s a clear preference for the beaches of Barcelona. Interesting.

Finally, does staying longer in Barcelona change the recommendation? Again, it seems so! Visitors who stay more than a week are less likely to recommend the most obvious answers like the Sagrada Familia, and they tend to prefer recommend lesser visited places like Tibidabo.





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