Static On the Line: Famous Faxes

Most people are aware of the historical importance of letters, such as the one written from Marie Antoinette hours before her execution and the one sent to President Barack Obama from the 10 year old daughter of a same sex couple. However, the impact of faxes on our history and culture – though often overlooked – is just as fascinating.

Why Do We Love Cats So Much?

What has four legs and gets more Twitter mentions than Al Gore? Grumpy Cat.
At SXSW 2013, Grumpy Cat got 13,931 Twitter mentions for the week, more than any of the top speakers, including the former VP. Was it Grumpy Cat’s adorably disgruntled face that snagged her the place at the popular table, or was it just the fact we, as a society, are completely obsessed with cats?
Cats have, since ancient Egyptian times, been mostly beloved and the feeling seems to be mutual. Feline attachment has been shown to be a real thing. Studies show that when their owners are present, cats seem to be more relaxed and willing to explore. There are also dozens of stories chronicling feline heroics. A tomcat travelled 2,500 miles over two years in order to find his family who had moved to Florida from California. There have been many reports of cats drawing their owners attention to people suffering from stroke or suffocation, saving lives.
In this infographic, takes a look at cats and how awesome they really are.

What do real mutants think?

This is an infographic on bodybuilding. It shows what annoys bodybuilders the most while they are training in the gym, what exercise they hate the most and tend to avoid, and on which body part they train the least. Furthermore, it also tells us what body part on a man attracts women most.

Why Cats Are Better Than Men

Sometimes, dealing with a man is just too much and all you want to do is curl up with a cat. Sometimes, that’s the better thing to do. Cats are all-around better company than a boyfriends for many reasons.
In this infographic, takes a look at why cats are better than men, internet cats, and how to tell if you’re becoming a crazy cat lady.

Are You Stuck To The Web?

Things are a lot different now than what it used to be back in the day. When we talk about “socializing,” we aren’t talking much about face to face interactions anymore. Most of us have gotten ourselves stuck so deep into the interwebs, sometimes it’s hard to even think a day without the internet. Did you know that 82% of Americans over the age of 18 use the internet on a daily basis. I am sure you and I fall into one of those categories.

This infographic takes a hard look at the internet usage and shows how deeply we are stuck into this web. Next time Facebook goes down, remember not to panic. It’s ok. This, my friends, is an internet intervention!

6 Stereotypical American Weddings launches a hilarious yet highly informative infographic about the six stereotypical American weddings. It is
illustrated in a hip, very expressive, cartoon-like manner, and the descriptions are tongue-in-cheek yet very spot-on

How To Sleep On The Job

Tired of being tired all the time? Most of us work at least 40 hours a week and we sometimes find ourselves running out of steam. For these situations, comes to the rescue with these creative methods of getting away with napping at work. Don’t show this infographic to your boss, but memorize it immediately…it just might save your life!