How a Woman’s Body Changes During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is that phase of a woman’s life when a spectrum of biological changes takes place to accommodate the needs of a growing life within her. In addition to the hormonal changes, the body also undergoes many physiological changes to accommodate the baby. The pregnant lady also undergoes postural changes to balance the weight of the bulging lower abdomen which contributes to her changing gait. Most common changes encountered are increased body temperature, rate of breathing and cardiac output. This makes her body asking for more calories to keep pace with the increased requirements. Eating well balanced meals at frequent intervals will ensure a steady supply of nutrients and energy to her body as well as the baby’s.

Meanwhile, the skeletal structure of the lower body also undergoes substantial changes to accommodate the growing size of the uterus. For this reason, the pelvic bones move to widen the waistline of the mother and give more space to the uterus. As the fetus grows in size, the lady also experiences acid reflux due to the pressing of the diaphragm against the visceral organs. To avoid this she must eat small meals at frequent intervals and also keep herself sufficiently hydrated. Kegel’s exercises are also recommended to keep the vaginal and urinary muscles toned. Else, the lady may experience incontinence in later stages of life.


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