How Civilisation sucks for the average man

Most of us think the advent of civilization made everything infinitely better for man. How sure are we about that? This featured infographic shows us how civilization may have not been so great after all.

Traditional history depicts Stone Age Man as barely surviving. When man learned agriculture, it became more sustainable for higher populations, but did having more people make everything better? Comparative studies show that the modern man is shorter, lighter and has smaller brain size than his ancestor from a hundred thousand years ago.

When agriculture came about, social stratification also came out. Man learned about power and started using slaves for farming and other hard labor. This lord-and-slave relationship is mirrored in today’s superior and subordinate relationships in the workforce environment.

Ignorant adaptation has also been associated as an effect of what the advent of agriculture has on people all over the world. Looking at the information on this infographic, do we still think civilization made things better for the average man?





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