How To Tell If A Girl Likes You

Do you like a girl? How can you tell if she likes you or not? It’s nerve-wracking isn’t it? Dating isn’t easy but something can help you: you can learn to read her body language and her behaviors! Knowing how to read someones body language can be very helpful especially when it comes to dating. Women (and men) are pre-programmed to send out physical clues when they’re interested in someone. Here’s a list of 30 signs of attraction, also known as indicators of interest. These are 30 clues that say she’s interested in you. For instance if she laughs at your joke, even when they aren’t funny, that can be a sign of attraction. If she punches your arm while laughing, that can be another sign of attraction. Of course, some signals are more important than others. For example tuning her body towards you is normal in a conversation but asking you if you have a girlfriend can be a very important clue. Remember this rule of thumb: you need to read these signals always thinking about the situation you’re in. The same signal in different situations means different things. Always use commons sense in order to evaluate the situation.






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