Landing Page Best Practices: How to Design the Perfect Landing Page

Each year, Pay-Per-Click advertising becomes more expensive. If you are driving traffic to a landing page, it’s essential to follow best practice in page layout to remain cost-effective. Once a person clicks your ad, it’s up to the landing page to close the deal. There’s no sense in having a great ad that drives people to an irrelevant and hard-to-use landing page.

Do your potential customers a favour by creating a landing page that:

Speaks to what they’re searching for
Has a clear call-to-action
Has content that relates to your ad copy
Has a clear way for customers to contact you
Another key element is to make sure your landing page is viewable across devices. This is known as responsive design. There are tons more tips we’ve included, so be sure to read, bookmark and share this infographic!

We’ve designed this tool to help you create Pay-Per-Click landing pages that increase your leads! Please feel free to embed this on your own website by copying the embed code directly beneath the graphic.


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