Sensible Blogging Checklist for Businesses

Our infographic, the Sensible Social Media Marketing Checklist for Businesses, was such a huge hit that we decided to create a series of Sensible Checklists to help businesses stop setting crazy goals for themselves!

A great content & blogging strategy can help you attract like-minded people and help you build trust and relationships with potential customers. If you’re confused about how to get started with developing a blogging strategy or how to focus your efforts, our Sensible Blogging Checklist will help! Follow our simple suggestions in order to:

Define your goals and audience
Plan your content strategy
Make sure your blog is user-friendly
Optimize your posts for search
Encourage engagement & content circulation

You can also download a printable version of the Sensible Blogging Checklist for Businesses – print it out and keep it handy for reference!


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