Tag: Auto

  • How to Ship Your Classic Car

    How to Ship Your Classic Car

    If you have a classic car, you know how much time and effort goes into keeping your “baby” in good condition. Classic cars require a different kind of care compared to modern cars. This is due to their age and also their value. Many classic car owners keep their classic cars as a showpiece, and…

  • Auto Theft in the US: Are You At Risk?

    Auto Theft in the US: Are You At Risk?

    Auto Theft in the US: Are You At Risk? Find Out Now!

  • Lies Spouses Tell

    Lies Spouses Tell

    “Who lies more, husbands or wives?” There are many of those wandering about it. Let’s put the end over this everlasting dispute and see who wins the first place. I stake on men, and you?

  • Car Accidents & Insurance Companies

    Car Accidents & Insurance Companies

    Insurance companies are some of the most profitable corporations in the world. These business giants maintain their profit margins by limiting the amount of money they pay out in accident injury claims. Many mistakingly think that insurance adjusters work for you and have your best interests at heart, the truth is that it is the…

  • What Does the Car of the Future Look Like?

    What Does the Car of the Future Look Like?

    The self-driving car is here! Automakers are testing self-driving cars as we speak, and by 2040, 75 percent of cars on the road are expected to be autonomous. Check out this infographic presented by insurancequotes.com to learn more about the future of self-driving cars.

  • Dangers of Distracted Driving

    Dangers of Distracted Driving

    Distracted driving is any type of action that takes an individual’s attention away from the road and the act of driving. Distracted driving puts everyone on the road in danger. Some of the most common types of distracted driving include: texting and driving, eating while driving, grooming and driving, talking to passengers, cell phones, smart…

  • Do It Yourself Car Repair Jobs to Save Money

    Do It Yourself Car Repair Jobs to Save Money

    An interesting infographic for people who want to repair their cars themselves so that they can save their precious money.