Tag: Creative

  • 7 Ways to Increase Agency Profits

    7 Ways to Increase Agency Profits

    Synergist have created this infographic based around tackling agency profitability. With feedback from current users, Synergist have included the 7 high-impact wins that can be achieved with an agency management system.

  • Transmedia storytelling in 5 steps

    Transmedia storytelling in 5 steps

    Once, marketing campaigns retold the same story or message across different media. Now, there’s a more engaging and immersive message delivery – transmedia storytelling… Use it to reconnect with jaded audiences or build new ones, make annual reports jump off the page, get dull products to be sexy, and send brand loyalty soaring. This transmedia…

  • Seven Steps to Building a Strong Brand

    Seven Steps to Building a Strong Brand

    You don’t have to be a multinational company to develop a strong brand. The following tips and guidelines will help when developing your brand strategy in the future.