Tag: divorce

  • UK Divorce Rates

    UK Divorce Rates

    A collection of interesting statistics about divorce in the UK, along with the reasons why people divorce and a few tips on how to cope.

  • Do Financial Challenges Cause Divorce

    Do Financial Challenges Cause Divorce

    Financial challenges and arguments are one of the biggest contributors to divorce. No surprise there. But is there a happy medium for marital finances? Yes and no, financial and relationship experts say.

  • Social Cheating: A Look at Social Media’s Influence on Infidelity

    Social Cheating: A Look at Social Media’s Influence on Infidelity

    There are many factors that can adversely affect a marriage and lead to a divorce. However, you might be surprised to learn that a growing number of divorces in the United States are being affected and even caused by social networks. These sites have been beneficial in connecting people from all over the world, but…