Tag: elearning

  • The Daily Commute In Your Rear View Mirror

    The Daily Commute In Your Rear View Mirror

    For every 12 miles we drive, we average about a 25.1 minute commute. With many people traveling to work and school, people are looking for a way to maximize their free time and minimize their commute time. About 88% of employers now are saying that workers need a higher level of education than before.With employers…

  • 20 facts you didn’t know about eLearning

    20 facts you didn’t know about eLearning

    eLearning is a relatively recent buzz word that was born in 1999, it has nevertheless attracetd substantial amount of attention both from the education as well as the corporate sector. Quite impressively, eLearning has invaded the daily lives of the otherwise procrastinating individuals, luring them to learn and interact on an almost daily basis. This…