Comparing 25 IT CVs in 1990 to 25 in 2014

This infographic – comparing the differences in CVs/résumés across 25 years in the IT industy in the UK – is no ordinary infographic. You’ll see that the main infographic itself is really text-light- this was done on purpose, as we wanted to try something different… What we also did was to ‘dissect’ the infographic, i.e. publishing each section as a standalone image with supporting text underneath each image/section, giving our findings. The ‘dissected’ version can be seen by visiting the source URL.

Foreign Languages and the UK Job Market

75% of the World’s population doesn’t speak English. The UK Job Market is more competitive than ever. This infographic highlights the most popular languages to learn in 2014 plus the languages you should learn to boost your employability and career prospects.

Equality In The Workplace: Do Men Still Rule?

We’ve decided to take a graphical look at some interesting Employment statistics in our new Employment Law infographic. As a law firm founded back in 1947, we have seen just how much the issue of gender equality at work has transformed the workplace.

In this infographic, we’ve taken a look at how far things have come, and also areas in which there are still big differences between the genders. Of course, if you feel your gender has affected the way you have been treated by your colleagues or your employer, then our Employment law department could provide you with expert legal advice on issues ranging from discrimination, through harrassment, leaving employment and also contractual issues you might have with your employer.

How Satisfying is your Degree? Best Paying University Degrees

Choosing which university degree to study is one of the most important decisions you will make in your career, its hard to know if your chosen subject will be of interest to you, whether it will aid you in getting your desired job or provide you with the career opportunities you desire.

That’s why we surveyed over 500 Australian professionals to see which university choices resulted in the:
– Highest degree satisfaction
– Best salaries
– Biggest bonuses

We have visualised the key data collected and have produced an infographic to help you understand which degree could potentially lead to the greatest career satisfaction for you.

Help us spread the word about the affect degree choices have on career satisfaction by sharing it amongst you family, friends & colleagues.