Tag: energy

  • Daylight Saving Time – A Historical and Practical Guide

    Daylight Saving Time – A Historical and Practical Guide

    March 9 is daylight saving time! If you’re like Monica Siguenza, a designer at ProPoint Graphics, the thought of losing an hour of sleep leads you to wonder why we go through the disruption each year. “I was always confused by the change and I came to find that I wasn’t the only one,” she…

  • Energy Use Per Household Item

    Energy Use Per Household Item

    A handy chart that can guide you through the charges electric companies make for you when you use your iPhone is helpful. This infographic is that chart.

  • Hungry Planet

    Hungry Planet

    Humanity is outstripping the Earth’s resources by 50 percent — essentially using the resources of one and a half Earths every year.

  • Sustainable Energy for All

    Sustainable Energy for All

    Green living isn’t just a goal for America, but rather for the whole world. Check out this infographic on global sustainable energy and how it can become a reality if we take the necessary steps.

  • What Is Your Greatest Footprint? (Carbon vs. Water)

    What Is Your Greatest Footprint? (Carbon vs. Water)

    Simple ways to reduce your carbon footprint.

  • 5 Weird Energy Sources

    5 Weird Energy Sources

    Energy consumption seems to be on everyone’s mind lately. This infographic, brought to you by saveonenergy.com, talks about some of the coolest energy saving innovations available today.

  • Five Things The Government Has Done Right

    Five Things The Government Has Done Right

    While the United States government receives a lot of criticism for their seeming inability to accomplish anything, they do have bragging rights on a few things. The government has encouraged and even funded a few projects over the years that have pushed America further than most other nations. Funding new systems of communication, creating interstate…