Tag: phones

  • Are Mobiles Killing the Art of Conversation

    Are Mobiles Killing the Art of Conversation

    With so many of us now glued to our smart phones, this infographic from liGo Cordless Phones asks the question as to whether mobile technology is killing the art of conversation.

  • The Anatomy Of An App

    The Anatomy Of An App

    To celebrate the app store turning five years old,. Insurance2Go have taken a look at what exactly it is that makes apps so great.

  • Smartphone Data Loss Statistics

    Smartphone Data Loss Statistics

    This infograph has been assembled after conducting much research in the hopes of finding out statistics regarding mobile data loss. The infograph describes, first of all, the number of smartphones actually used across the globe as well as translating this number into actual statistics. The infograph moves on to show case two statistics concerning App…