Tag: Animals

  • Ultimate Guide to Leather

    Ultimate Guide to Leather

    What does Louis Vuitton, Testoni, and Hermes have in common? Well, aside from being the top brands in their industry, they all brought the most expensive leather products to the fashion world. Leather is a classic material commonly used in high-end fashion. From shoes to bags to clothing to accessories, this premium commodity has charmed…

  • Cat Astrology: Cat Traits by Zodiac Sign

    Cat Astrology: Cat Traits by Zodiac Sign

    We all love our pets. Well, since cats are such a large part of our lives, it’s important that we know their moods, attitudes, and personalities. Each cat is unique, and just like people, we can learn a lot about our cats by knowing their birthdate. This Cat Astrology infographic, with personality traits by the…

  • The Endangered Species in Africa

    The Endangered Species in Africa

    While around 18,000 new animal, insect or plant species are discovered yearly, other species are on the edge of extinction — including some that are newly discovered and others that have been around in some form for million of years. The African continent alone has more than four large mammals whose populations are, for the…

  • Myths and Facts about Pests

    Myths and Facts about Pests

    It surprising how little people know about the unwanted guests in their homes. And often the things they know are not quite accurate. Some of the most famous facts about pests are actually myths! For example: mice don’t like cheese .. at all.

  • Animals that Stay Together Forever

    Animals that Stay Together Forever

    This infographic tells you why animals stay together. Go learn.

  • Everything You Wanted to Know about Hibernation

    Everything You Wanted to Know about Hibernation

    Hibernation is the only way some animals have to escape the consequences of the cold season, when the temperature goes down and the food is scarce. And today we are telling you more about it.

  • Making a Splash: Fast and Fascinating Water Facts

    Making a Splash: Fast and Fascinating Water Facts

  • Great Danger for the Great White Shark

    Great Danger for the Great White Shark

    The general consensus is that there are between 3000-5000 great white sharks. However, through a comprehensive five-year study conducted in Gansbaai (which has the densest population of great whites in the world) results show that there could be approximately 50% of this original figure. On a global scale, this puts great whites closer to extinction…

  • The 10 Most Dangerous Animals in Australia

    The 10 Most Dangerous Animals in Australia

    Australia is one country that is home to many of the most dangerous animals in the world. For a lot of people it’s one of the first things that comes to mind when Australia is mentioned and for good reason. Australia has deadly snakes, spiders, sharks, crocodiles and jellyfish among others that you would not…

  • From Wolf to Wag: The Evolution of the Dog

    From Wolf to Wag: The Evolution of the Dog

    Most people have some vague notion of wolves and dogs being related species, but how can the ever-so-cute/ugly pug be related to the majestic grey wolf? This infographic from Invisible Fence details the process, and covers recent data on dog ownership trends and more.