Tag: apocalypse.

  • Is a Zombie Invasion Possible?

    Is a Zombie Invasion Possible?

    Movies, games and books from the zombie world have made us immune to reality: today, we believe that an invasion of the undead is part of fiction. But this infographic is here to change your mind!

  • Doomsday: Would You Survive?

    Doomsday: Would You Survive?

    When preparing for the end of the world, there are a lot of things that people don’t consider. Stocking up on canned goods and water bottles won’t cut it. Instead, it’s important to plan ahead for sustainable resources such as livestock. It’s also important to hone your skills prior to the apocalypse. Reading up on…

  • The Doomsday That Never Comes

    The Doomsday That Never Comes

    Some Doomsday preppers spend extraordinary amounts of money preparing for the end of the world. One man in Australia spent over $350,000 on a plot of land to build a house and bunker 1,500 feet above sea level, a pickup truck to get his family safely to the spot, food, water and survival gear. In…