Tag: CRM

  • Why Your Website Could Be Losing You Money

    Why Your Website Could Be Losing You Money

    CWCS have created this handy infographic to show you the factors that might be causing customers to abandon their baskets and even leave your site for good!

  • Customer Service: There Has to be a Better Way

    Customer Service: There Has to be a Better Way

    You are at the crossroads. Will you deliver a personalized and productive customer service experience or will you deliver an experience that leaves customers wanting and the bottom line unfulfilled. Which way will you choose The “Better” Way or the “Other” Way?

  • Best Practices for Customer Retention

    Best Practices for Customer Retention

    Over the next few years, market competition will significantly drive up the cost of customer acquisition and will continue to put pressure on monthly margins. As acquisition cost increases, and margin decreases, Communications Service Providers (CSPs) need to discover more effective ways to retain their best customers longer in order to ensure profitability. As CSPs…