Tag: personality

  • Cat Astrology: Cat Traits by Zodiac Sign

    Cat Astrology: Cat Traits by Zodiac Sign

    We all love our pets. Well, since cats are such a large part of our lives, it’s important that we know their moods, attitudes, and personalities. Each cat is unique, and just like people, we can learn a lot about our cats by knowing their birthdate. This Cat Astrology infographic, with personality traits by the…

  • How Personality Traits Predict TV Habits

    How Personality Traits Predict TV Habits

    Americans LOVE television. According to Nielson, the average American spends 34 hours per week watching TV and over nine hours watching psychological traits, tv, habits commercials.While traditional demographics provide basic information about viewers, we wanted to understand what role psychological traits have in viewing habits of NBC shows. Our research team found that three personality…

  • What Does Your Handwriting Say About You?

    What Does Your Handwriting Say About You?

    Did you know that how you write can indicate more than 5,000 personality traits? The size of your letters, spacing between words, shapes of letters and more can all signify different characteristics. Handwriting analysis (also known as graphology) can even be used for detecting lies and revealing possible health ailments. Check out the infographic below…

  • Written In The Stars: Exploring Astrology

    Written In The Stars: Exploring Astrology

    Produced by The Mirror this astrology infographic is packed with really interesting information about the evolution of astrology. It also does a great job breaking down the characteristics of what each star sign and what that means to us humans. Examining the evolution of astrology infographic we can see that the piece traces astrology back…

  • What does your sleeping position say about you?

    What does your sleeping position say about you?

    This infographic designed by Carlos Patino for Wedo Headboards highlights firstly the link between people’s favorite sleeping positions and their personalities and secondly the impact those sleeping positions can have on their health.