Tag: routine

  • Aadvertisers deconstructed

    Aadvertisers deconstructed

    My name is Shushu and I’m a senior copywriter at BBR Saatchi & Saatchi, Tel-Aviv. Attached is an infographic I created about the habits of the average adman. The infographic is based on a questionnaire I sent to my fellow workers at the agency (128 employees from all departments, to be exact). All the photos…

  • Habit of the Wealthiest People

    Habit of the Wealthiest People

  • The Science of Habit: Popular Habits vs. Popular Addictions

    The Science of Habit: Popular Habits vs. Popular Addictions

    Did you know that we spend half the day in zombielike automation, repeating routines we set up days, months, or even years ago? Habits are difficult to avoid forming – routine is just human nature at work! However, some habits aren’t so good. Over time these bad habits turn into full-force addictions, bad for our…