Tag: valentines day infographic

  • 14 February – How India Loves to Spend On Valentine’s Day

    14 February – How India Loves to Spend On Valentine’s Day

    “Valentine’s Day in India -Statistics and data on consumer behaviour by the Numbers and spending habits during the celebration of the week of love. This detailed infographic represents a visual analysis on how lndians go showing their love on Valentine’s Day. Also, for 2015, this infographic recommends how you should be spending your money on…

  • Of Love & Money: Valentine’s Day in the UK

    Of Love & Money: Valentine’s Day in the UK

    It wasn’t that long ago that Valentine’s Day meant buying a card for your loved one and perhaps a bunch of flowers or a box of chocolates. Not anymore. Exactly how much we British spend on Valentine’s Day varies depending on the survey you look at, but whichever one you choose, the days of a…