Tag: zombie

  • The Waiting Dead

    The Waiting Dead

    Are your customers turning into zombies from waiting in lines instead of getting the service they’re looking for? Consider the benefits of a self-service kiosk. This infographic has all the details. Check it out!

  • The Zombie Computer

    The Zombie Computer

    As the pace of business grows, so too does the sophistication of digital crime. The interconnected world is not without its challenges, and among them, the ability for coordinated criminals to take down business networks and digital infrastructure poses particular concern. As a business, your up-time is your lifeblood, and stemming the flow of intrusion…

  • The Evolution of the Zombie

    The Evolution of the Zombie

    Zombies have surpassed the barrier of fiction: they are part of our daily lives nowadays. But how did it all start?

  • How Much is The Zombie Economy Worth?

    How Much is The Zombie Economy Worth?

    From movies to action figures, the zombies have conquered the world and now they even have their own economy.