Gay Rights and Same-Sex Marriage: Facts and Numbers

There are big differences between countries in the world in treating people in LGBT communities. In some countries, same sex couples have the full rights to marry, adopt, divorce… like any other citizens; gay rights are human rights and protected by the law from any discrimination. In other countries, gay marriage is prohibitden and there are even laws that criminalize anyone who performs, witnesses, aids or abets such ceremonies. This infographic will show the best and the worst places to be gay.

Regarding public opinions about this issue, there are multiple perspectives, some people believe that gay and lesbian couples should be treated equally as their heterosexual counterparts while people who oppose same-sex marriage argue that that marriage between same-sex couples do not guarantee a healthy society. Especially, there are also people say “yes” to gay marriage, but say “no” to adoption. That is why same-sex couples in France can only marry but cannot adopt children.

In the US, the public has gradually become more supportive for gay rights and same-sex marriages over the past decade. In 2001, 57% of American adults opposed gay marriage while only one-third (35%) supported it. In 2013, there is more support for same-sex marriage (49%) than opposition to it (44%). It is predicted that by 2020, voters in 44 states of the US would support same-sex marriage.

Who support gay marriage most? Answer: People who are religiously unaffiliated, Millennials (almost twice as likely as the Silent Generation), and Democrats and independents (6 in 10) while Most Republicans continue to oppose.

If you have never heard about Genderbread man, this infographic will introduce him to you with four independent elements regarding sex and gender.


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